The House-Museum of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna invites to excursions

The museum offers two types of excursions: to the chambers of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and to the Holy Protection Cathedral of the Saints Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy.
In the house-museum you will visit the prayer room, where the Mother Superior prayed daily, and the reception room, where Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna received visitors, including the royal family, representatives of the Russian and European nobility.
The museum contains the unique sacraments: Holy Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hands, embroidered by the Grand Duchess, the icons of Holy Righteous Martha and Mary created by her, the letter to the convent sisters sent by the Great Mother from her exile in Alapaevsk.
Among the exhibits is a miraculously preserved grand piano of the Grand Duchess, the grand-ducal family’s dinner set with their family crest and also lots of rare photographs and documents.
The excursion to the Holy Protection Cathedral will introduce the history of the cathedral, its unique paintings made by the famous artist Mikhail Nesterov. You will learn about the shrines of the Cathedral and will be able to worship them.
1. Send a free-form application to the museum's e-mail
In the application form please specify:
phone number
number of guests (from 1 to 50 people)
desired date and time of visit
name of the excursion you want to visit
2. In case of difficulties in sending the application, please, call 8 (499) 350-51-81 (Tuesday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
3. Information is processed from 1 to 3 days. Please make requests for excursions in advance.
CONTACTS: / priority and the most prompt type of communication
8 (499) 350-51-81 >
119017, Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka St., 34, p.5